Saturday, December 30, 2006

Finally... Sheeeeeeeeeza

Hi everybody.... Finally...I'm here...It took Mom n Jose to come down and make me get on this thing but I'm here...Luv you all...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Just try and get this out of your head

Really. Watch at least 1 minute and 17 seconds of it, then you'll want to watch the rest. Honestly. Wait for it....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Editor's note: I've moved the Greynautz "Holy Christmas" video so that it's not automatically downloaded every time the blog is viewed. Click on the image below to download the video.

Friday, November 24, 2006

YWAM update

Thanks to the whole fam for all your prayers! I was accepted into Discipleship Training School today! Woot! Now it's crunch time. Onward ho with the fundraising.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Closing Night

We went to see Rick perform in Macbeth last night. He did such a great job! He brought some much needed levity to one of Shakespeare's more heavy plays. Rick is very good at really playing his character rather than just reciting his lines. Nice job Hot Milk, we really enjoyed your performance.

Congratulations to Katelyn!

Katie made the Yosemite High School soccer team! We've got another Badger athlete in the family. Way to go Lil Bit. Your hard work is paying off.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Saturday, in case you haven't heard, there will be a garage and bake sale at Angie's. If any of you have stuff you want to get rid of stuff or want to bake something bring it by. It's going to my Ireland YWAM fund. Love you all and please keep this whole YWAM thing in your prayers. Take luck! Bean

Monday, November 06, 2006

The REAL Christmas song!!!

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat, please put a penny in the old man's hat, if you haven't got a penny, a HALF penny will do, if you haven't got a HALF penny, then God bless you!

Yes thats right its HALF penny! Not hay penny or whatever you oldies wanna call it. lol ! Oh ya, also for all you oldies lol means laugh out loud!


Jessica just made Yosemite High
School's freshman basketball team!
Score one for the shorties! =)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

What's up my nerds!

Hey, yo mama is so dumb... I asked her to show me a push-up and she got one from the ice cream truck! lol! not really funny. Anyone have any good yo mama jokes? I would like to use some in any upcoming battles.

Thanx, Jessica

Harpoon Man!

Heres harpoon man and that other Freak!
Its amazing what you come up with during 7th period chem!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Birthday, Marc and Paul!!!

We all love you guys so much & hope
that you're both having a wonderful day.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hi everyone, this is yo mama. This is so cool. I'm gonna think of something witty so don't hold your breath. Got any good ideas for bumper stickers?

How to post

Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know how to add a new post here. Just click on the Blogger icon in the upper left corner. After you log in, you will get a page that gives you the option of adding a new post. Hit the plus mark, type in your message & click the "publish post" button. That's it!


Hey, gang. I've started staying in touch with my brothers and sisters using a blog. It's been a lot of fun and we were thinking it's about time we did the same thing with this side of our family. Let's keep in touch!